Free E-Book Teaches How to Overcome the Fears of Selling
Released on = February 26, 2007, 1:51 pm
Press Release Author = David M. Bresnahan
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = The fear of selling stops many who own a small business, or who may be a coach or consultant from finding new clients or customers. This successful sales and marketing expert teaches others to overcome the fear of selling.
Press Release Body = Sydney, Australia -- Many consultants, coaches, and small business owners admit to a fear of selling and are looking for sales training that will help them improve their marketing skills and overcome their fear of selling.
Tessa Stowe, who has personally made over $50 million in sales in the past seven years, never received any formal sales training. She taught herself to sell, and discovered a way to make selling as simple as having a conversation.
Now she teaches others her method to turn conversations into clients without being "pushy." Her web site at offers consultants and coaches a free E-book "8 Steps to Overcome All Your Fears of Selling."
Many business owners, consultants, and even trained sales people report that they have a difficult time selling because of a fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of being thought of as pushy and similar fears. Stowe says her book eliminates those fears, and more.
"These fears are no doubt holding you back from having conversations with potential clients. Or if you are having conversations, you can feel these fears, and their effects, lurking in the background," said Stowe. "When you learn this simple eight-step process you will overcome your fears, feel more confident and relaxed. This will enable you to attract more clients."
Stowe provides her E-book without charge to all who request it, and also provides her free newsletter "Sales Conversation."
Web Site =
Contact Details = Press Contact: Tessa Stowe +612-9401-9673 Sydney, Australia Press release services provided by
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